Sunday, August 20, 2017

Cretaing a Athena Machine with Debathena

On Debain Linux first install first install debathena as described at MIT 
Install MIT Kerberos:
 sudo apt-get install krb5-{admin-server,kdc}   
Make a backup of  /etc/krb5.conf and edit the krb5.conf
     auth_to_local = RULE:[2:$1](johndoe)s/^.*$/guest/  
     auth_to_local = RULE:[2:$1;$2](^.*;admin$)s/;admin$//  
     auth_to_local = RULE:[2:$2](^.*;root)s/^.*$/root/  
     auto_to_local = DEFAULT

Next  create a KDC Database with:
 sudo kdb_util create -r ATHENA.MIT.EDU   

and enter a master password.
In your local state directory typically /var create krb5kdc/kadm5.acl
See and sample of a kadm5.acl file here.

Add the acl_file variable to krb5.conf file.
Next add administrators to the database:
 sudo kadmin.local  

 kadmin.local: addprinc admin/admin@ATHENA.MIT.EDU  

answer the prompts and add principals.
Lastley start the KDC with:

 sudo krb5kdc  
 sudo kadmind  

I still get an error on starting to the Raise Network interface but everything else  is up and running including your Athena lockers; might be an answer here and here.  And here Hope this helps. One other note here is LibX a Firefox add-on to search MIT Resources from anywhere