Sunday, August 20, 2017

Installing Unidata Gempak on Debian.

To install gempak on Debian first download the Red Hat package from the Unidata website And then use Alien to install. I've only tested gempak-7.3.2-1.x86_64.rpm Or you can compile it from source. Here is some data And a tutorial More detailed directions later pretty self explanatory. And AWIPS

Adding the Kali archive keyring on Debian.

Here is the Debian package to add the Kali keyring to Debian. Here. Or the Kali Rolling repositories

Cretaing a Athena Machine with Debathena

On Debain Linux first install first install debathena as described at MIT 
Install MIT Kerberos:
 sudo apt-get install krb5-{admin-server,kdc}   
Make a backup of  /etc/krb5.conf and edit the krb5.conf
     auth_to_local = RULE:[2:$1](johndoe)s/^.*$/guest/  
     auth_to_local = RULE:[2:$1;$2](^.*;admin$)s/;admin$//  
     auth_to_local = RULE:[2:$2](^.*;root)s/^.*$/root/  
     auto_to_local = DEFAULT

Next  create a KDC Database with:
 sudo kdb_util create -r ATHENA.MIT.EDU   

and enter a master password.
In your local state directory typically /var create krb5kdc/kadm5.acl
See and sample of a kadm5.acl file here.

Add the acl_file variable to krb5.conf file.
Next add administrators to the database:
 sudo kadmin.local  

 kadmin.local: addprinc admin/admin@ATHENA.MIT.EDU  

answer the prompts and add principals.
Lastley start the KDC with:

 sudo krb5kdc  
 sudo kadmind  

I still get an error on starting to the Raise Network interface but everything else  is up and running including your Athena lockers; might be an answer here and here.  And here Hope this helps. One other note here is LibX a Firefox add-on to search MIT Resources from anywhere

Saturday, July 29, 2017

My Custom Debian.

This morning I created my custom Debain distribution with 'simple-cdd' I still need to make my own package list. Follow these directions.

Monday, July 17, 2017


After I installed Debian 9 I installed SELinux here is the Debian wiki on how to. Also here are the GUI tools. I first heard about SELinux about 10 years ago. Also here is article on anti-viris vs SELinux. And a little history Here is Sofos for Linux. And for Windows and Mac. Malwarebytes is good too for Mac and Windows.

Setting up my apt repository and build environment on Debian

I'm configuring my build environment on my new HP Debian machine here available on the wiki I also am outputing my installed packages on Debian using dpkg. And will write a script. I want to get working on KX Studio and some on my projects on github if I can find the extra time. And create my own PPA.